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Orthopaedics and Accident Surgery is the medical field specializing in the treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of congenital and acquired abnormalities (including injuries) of the body's supporting structure and musculoskeletal system. We orthopaedists find orthopaedics the most gratifying and diversified medical field for a number of reasons. We encounter and treat a broad spectrum of patient types. Our treatments range from ultrasound hip joint examinations for infants to very elderly people suffering from joint wear and tear, frequent computer users, competitive athletes, injured persons and handicapped individuals. Orthopaedics offers a wealth of diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities, additionally allowing for alternative treatments such as acupuncture, probably one of the most fantastic treatment methods.


But our most important job is to relieve our patients of pain, the single most frequent reason they visit an orthopaedist in the first place. The first step in every treatment is of course a medical examination.

Ultrasound Diagnosis
Magnetic Resonance Tomography MRI
Magnetic Resonance Tomography MRI
3-dimensional vertebral column measurement
3-dimensional vertebral column measurement